FRL: Parts I & II

Ideas for discussion:
  • If you could sum up Part I in one or two words, what would they be and why?
  •  Which section (s) did you feel were most relevant to Telstar? 
  •  Can you point to specific passages that struck you personally—as interesting, profound, silly or shallow, incomprehensible, illuminating?
  •  Did you have any concerns, questions of "Aha"s?


  1. Part 1 "Nutshell" for me was Impact vs. Nature.

    I think we so often want to know the "story" behind a kid because we think that if we know details we can better address their needs, but the book makes a compelling argument that changing the focus allows us to see the whole child. Getting to know people as "more than their story" allows them to actually BE more than their story. (pg. 15-16). This struck me personally because I am a dog lover and somewhat of a dog whisperer. BK (before kids), friends often called me to work with their pup or our house was the only house they could come for dog sitting. I think a lot of why I am successful with our own rescue dogs and others is that we DO NOT KNOW their story and they can't tell us. I only know the dog's triggers, behaviors and what works to positively reinforce what I want them to do for me. I have also seen that my own energy transfers to the dog. The same is with kids. If I remain calm and confident, the child can find regulation easier.

  2. Seems simple enough, but I was thinking we could do a talking circle (practice some norms for restorative justice) either in teams or during a faculty meeting (might want to split into groups). The questions on p. 11 would be great "Why did you choose this profession? What motivated you to enter the field? What keeps you here? Might be nice to do 6-12 in mixed groups? I also think it's really important to honor the fact that we take on the trauma of our students (sometimes) and we experience our own trauma. Just think about when we hear of a school shooting...I know that sends me into a bit of a tailspin. I lose sleep and it takes me a moment to muster up my nerve to come to school and pretend like we are safe. To a certain degree, that is trauma and living in survival mode.

  3. Avoid tornadoes. Stay in upstairs brain. Encourage student to come back upstairs/back to Kansas.
